What is Facebook Pixel?

What is Facebook Pixel

Here, we are going to discuss what the Facebook Pixel is. In simple words, Pixel is a code that we install on our website. Now you must be wondering why do we install it on our website?  So, here is the answer.

With the help of Facebook Pixel, we track information or data about any activity done by the users on our websites and send that data to Facebook. Activities such as – How many users visited your website, you can collect information regarding Gender of users who visited your website whether it is male or female, You can track their age, If you have an E-commerce website then you can track activity like Purchase, add to cart, thank you page, etc.

Facebook can’t find out what action a user is taking by visiting your website without a Pixel code.

How does Facebook Pixel help us?

Facebook Pixel is very important if we are running Facebook Marketing Campaigns. Without installing Pixel it is very difficult to execute marketing strategies for your Campaigns.

One of the best advantages of having a Pixel on your website is that you can retarget those users for your product or service who visited your site or done any activity there. You can create a Custom Audience with the help of it and you can use that audience in your campaigns. 

You can, again and again, show your ads to the same user and if a user sees your ads many times then it also builds trust in the user about your brand, and chances of user conversion also increase.  

It helps you in knowing the behavior of the user like if some users clicked on the “add to cart” button then left the website without purchasing, it shows that they were interested in our product and because of some of the reasons they left. 

The reason they left the “Add to Cart” may be the price of our product or something else. So, with Pixel we can create a custom audience of those users and retarget them and show them the same product with attractive and engaging ads and convert them by showing some exciting offers. Offers play a very important role when we talk about Facebook ads. 

To run conversion ads on Facebook it is mandatory for you to add Pixel on your website otherwise you will not be able to run these ads.

Learn more about Pixel, how to create and install it on our website, and advance strategies of Facebook Marketing for any business. Join the Academy of Digital Marketing Professionals (ADMP) for the best Digital Marketing course in Gwalior and upgrade your skill in the field of digital marketing. 

For more information Contact us.